The only difference between these and other children with coeliac disease is that IgA deficiency persists when on a gluten free diet despite the return of a normal mucosa acne zeno cheap dapsone 100 mg fast delivery. IgG or IgG subclass deficiency this is the most common of the primary immune deficiency diseases tretinoin 05 acne generic dapsone 100 mg amex. Patients have severe deficiency or a total absence of IgA acne y embarazo effective 100mg dapsone, but usually normal levels Children with low IgG or low IgG subclass deficiency also commonly have food allergy; it is 280 Clinical Paediatric Dietetics estimated that 32% of patients with an IgG subclass deficiency are allergic to some foods [7] skin care 2 in 1 order 100mg dapsone visa. T lymhphocyte defects Autoimmune enteropathy Autoimmune enteropathy is a condition of unknown aetiology in which there is persistent damage to the small intestinal mucosa, resulting from activation of mucosal T cells [8]. The disease may be confined to the small intestine, which shows severe inflammation and villous atrophy with crypt hyperplasia and increased mitosis, or it may be more widespread. These changes in the small intestinal mucosa may resemble those found in coeliac disease [2]. Early nutritional intervention is necessary to reverse this cycle of malnutrition. For those patients where a primary immunodeficiency disease is identified, bone marrow transplantation may be a more appropriate treatment. Dietetic management will follow that outlined for severe combined immune deficiency described below. When patients are able to start oral intake it is advisable to introduce foods slowly. For the older child the reintroduction of food could follow the few foods diet (p. Two genetic defects of phagocytes are clinically important in that they result in susceptibility to severe infections and may be fatal: chronic granulomatous disease and leucocyte adhesion defects. Some patients may present with gastrointestinal complications similar to those of inflammatory bowel disease [10]. Infants present from birth with recurrent, severe infections which may be bacterial, fungal or viral. There is frequently failure to thrive associated with malabsorption and persistent diarrhoea. A working copy of the gene is inserted, by retrovirus carrier, into bone marrow stem cells from these children. Infusion of these stem cells has corrected the immunodeficiency in a number of patients with no adverse effects to date from the procedure [12]. Nutritional status may be compromised if chemotherapy such as melphalan is given for conditioning prior to gene therapy treatment. Defects in phagocytes Phagocytic cells, including neutrophils and monocytes, are important in host defence against pyogenic bacteria and other intracellular organisms. Parenteral hydration and nutrition may be necessary for extended periods while investigations are ongoing. However, nutrition is likely to be inadequate, particularly if the child has frequent infections and chronic diarrhoea. If total gut rest is required, enteral feeds should be reintroduced as soon as possible. Oral rehydration solution such as Dioralyte may be given first; if this is tolerated then a suitable formula feed can be introduced. Hydrolysed protein formulas such as PeptiJunior or amino acid based formulas such as Neocate are likely to be better tolerated than a whole protein formula. Reintroduction of feeds should be done slowly; frequently the child will tolerate only 5 mL/hour or less of feed to start with. Hydrolysate and amino acid formulas have a higher osmolality than normal infant formulas and may be a cause of osmotic diarrhoea. A standard concentration of feed should be used until the child is tolerating a reasonable volume of formula. In order to maximise weight gain it may be necessary to increase the concentration of the formula slightly with or without the addition of energy supplements. The child may tolerate small amounts of normal infant formula orally while having enteral feeds of a hydrolysate formula. Where a normal feeding experience is not possible, it should be replicated by cuddling and oral stimulation while an enteral feed is being given. These strategies are helpful in maintaining feeding skills and may reduce long term dependency on a tube for feeding. It is important to maintain a good nutritional intake in these patients as malnutrition can have a negative effect on the clinical outcome [14]. When children have co-existing organ damage, myeloablative conditioning therapy has been associated with increased treatment toxicity and morbidity. Low intensity conditioning regimens have been shown to be as effective in promoting engraftment and donor immune reconstitution, with minimal toxicity and improved survival [15]. In 282 Clinical Paediatric Dietetics hospital all formula feeds may be pasteurised as an additional precaution. The majority of children will need nutrition support during the transplant and are usually unable to meet their nutritional requirements orally. A suggested protocol is to pass a nasogastric tube at day +1, after conditioning drugs have been given and before mucositis may develop. Hydrolysate formulas are generally better tolerated post-transplant than whole protein formulas. Day bolus feeds are introduced, after solids are offered, if oral intake decreases. Oral intake is often slow to recover and enteral feeds may be required for several months after discharge from hospital. It may not be possible to include lipid because of the risk of liver complications such as veno-occlusive disease. If it is not possible to give any enteral feeds it will be difficult to meet energy requirements. A supplement of walnut oil to meet essential fatty acid requirements should be considered (see p. In the early post-transplant period children may develop gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea and vomiting. Small volumes of an amino acid based formula will be used initially when enteral feeding is restarted and if tolerated, a simple diet of only a few foods. It may be advisable to avoid milk, egg, and sometimes wheat and soya (see Table 7. The virus may be transmitted during pregnancy, labour and delivery, or by breast feeding. When new foods, including infant formula, are introduced breast feeding should cease immediately. In the first instance decisions about when conditions meet the above criteria can be complicated. Once the decision to breast feed has been made, however, adherence to exclusive breast feeding is recommended to help minimise the risk of transmission. Other related factors include non-exclusive breast feeding during the first 6 months of life, maternal vitamin deficiencies (B, C and E) and infant oral lesions [22]. Associated poor or temporary housing facilities, isolation, physical and mental health of other family members may contribute to poor nutrition. For many families the fear of friends and neighbours being made aware of the diagnosis can be greater than the fear of the disease itself and may lead to a loss of compliance with medication, diet and even to accessing treatment. It is therefore not possible to diagnose infants reliably on the basis of antibody presence until beyond this age. Infection can be diagnosed in the majority of non-breast feeding infected infants by 1 month of age using this method. Under the age of 5 years children have higher viral loads and are susceptible to more frequent recurrent bacterial infections than usual. In infants, neurodevelopment and motor skills such as crawling and walking may be delayed.
Enteral feeds should then be commenced as early as possible and balanced against oral intake acne vulgaris pictures buy generic dapsone 100 mg on line. It has been well documented that early enteral feeding of burns patients (within the first 6 hours) reduces the incidence of paralytic ileus and may moderate the hypermetabolic response acne x lanvin generic dapsone 100 mg on line. Continuous enteral feeding should be commenced at a low rate and increased as tolerated acne treatments that work cheap 100mg dapsone with visa, aiming to achieve full requirements within the first 24 hours post-injury [35] anti-acne purchase dapsone 100 mg. Feeding regimens must take into account fasting periods related to surgical intervention, dressing changes, physiotherapy and medications. Nasogastric feeding is routinely used in many centres, but where this is poorly tolerated, transpyloric feeding should be considered. The use of gastrostomy feeding has been reported where long term enteral nutritional support has been required in burns patients [37]. Well-recognised complications of enteral feeding include increased gastric aspirates and diarrhoea. Gastric aspirates in excess of the hourly feed rate are closely correlated with infection and sepsis [38]. Diarrhoea occurs frequently in paediatric burns patients, but appears to be unrelated to the osmolality or volume of feed [39]. Because broad spectrum antibiotics are often used in this patient group, it has been suggested that the use of pre- and probiotics may have a beneficial effect on gut flora [40,41]. However, where possible, minimal enteral feeds should continue to be infused at a very low rate (as little as 2 mL/hour) to maintain the brush border integrity of the gastrointestinal tract [42,43]. Other issues, such as electrolyte imbalances and hyperglycaemia, also require particularly close monitoring. Further guidance on enteral and parenteral nutrition support in children may be found in Chapters 3 and 4. Choice of oral and enteral feeds the choice of feed will vary depending on the age of the child, the calculated requirements, any underlying medical condition and the clinical course during admission. Some of the products available for use in the nutritional management of paediatric burns patients are outlined in Table 25. Monitoring Burns injuries are dynamic and this patient group has constantly changing nutritional needs related to the healing of their wounds. As the percentage burn surface area changes so the nutritional requirements should be reassessed. It is important to remember that oedema may mask true weight early in the clinical course. Vitamin, mineral and trace element status should also be monitored in extensive burns injuries. The recommendation for adult burns patients by the Burns Interest Group of the British Dietetic Association can be used as a guide at this time [23]. Raised serum levels of C-reactive protein predict sepsis in children with burns injuries [44]. This would suggest that it is included in routine monitoring in major burns where there is an increased risk of infection. Energy: Achieving requirements the following need to be considered: l l l l l l l Monitoring of nutritional intake and overall nutritional status should continue post-discharge. Changes in the medical management of burns patients now results in an early discharge home, even for quite major injuries. These children are still at risk of inadequate nutritional intake and therefore growth failure once at home [45,46]. It should also be noted that even with adequate nutritional intake, poor growth often continues to be an issue. In these circumstances children exhibit increased body fat stores but no significant increase in lean body mass. This should be monitored closely in children with major burns injuries postdischarge. Enteral feeds should commence within 6 hours of admission via this route, until such a time as the child is able to feed orally. Enteral feeds should gradually be replaced by oral intake to meet full nutritional requirements. Case study An 18-month-old toddler has sustained a 15% partial thickness scald as a result of pulling a jug of freshly boiled water over himself. He eats three meals plus supper daily and has no noted dislikes or food intolerance. Choice of feed l A normal follow-on milk supplemented with glucose polymer and fat emulsion. The advantage of this option is familiarity, which eases the transition from enteral to oral feeding. The disadvantages are incomplete nutritional 502 Clinical Paediatric Dietetics l composition of the feed and the increased infection risk resulting from feed modification. The advantage of this option is a nutritionally complete feed that will meet all nutritional requirements without modification. The disadvantages are the unfamiliarity of the product and palatability for oral feeding. The child should be weighed and the degree of healing assessed on each of these occasions. A possible side effect of analgesia is constipation; bowel habits should be monitored closely and fibre enriched feeds considered. Accuracy of predictive methods to estimate resting energy expenditure of thermallyinjured patients. King P Artificial skin reduces nutritional requirements in a severely burned child. Current treatment reduces calories required to maintain weight in paediatric patients with burns. Childs C Studies in children provide a model to reexamine the metabolic response to burn injuries in patients treated by contemporary burn protocol. Calorie and protein provision for recovery from severe burns in infants and young children. Energy and protein provisions for thermally injured children revisited: an outcome-based approach for determining requirements. Low ceruloplasmin levels during recovery from major burn injury: influence of open wound size and copper supplementation. Four-year review of burns as an etiologic factor in the development of long bone fractures in pediatric patients. Decreased serum insulin-like growth factor-1 in burn patients: Relationship with serum insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 proteolysis and the influence of lipid composition in nutritional support. Randomised trial of glutamine enriched enteral nutrition on infectious morbidity in patients with multiple trauma. Enteral feeding in patients with major burn injury: the use of nasojejunal feeding after the failure of nasogastric feeding. Enteral feeding intolerance: an indicator of sepsis-associated mortality in burned children. Tropic and cytoprotective nutrition for intestinal adaptation, mucosal repair, and barrier function. Efficiency of a rise in C-reactive protein serum levels as an early indicator of sepsis in burned children. Younger paediatric patients with burns are at risk for continuing post discharge weight loss. In addition to this triad, repetitive behaviour patterns and resistance to change in routine are often characteristic. A diagnosis is often made between the age of 18 months and 3 years, although diagnoses are commonly sought and obtained throughout the school life and sometimes into adulthood. Under-sensitivity may result in actions such as spinning, rocking or hand-flapping which are forms of self-stimulation. Other children may demonstrate over-sensitivity by being aversive to touch, light and/or sound. Sense Taste Smell Visual Hypersensitivity Strong preference for bland tasting foods Aversion to spicy foods Distracted or disturbed by food smells Ability to detect smells that others may not. It is thought that there could be an inherited predisposition to increased sensitivity to an environmental trigger such as an infection or immunological reaction.
The pathophysiology typically involves defects of insulin secretion and insulin action [8] skin care on center cheap dapsone 100mg overnight delivery. An ideal approach to therapy might therefore address the basic endocrine defects acne 5 benzoyl peroxide cream discount dapsone 100 mg visa, but any other safe means of ameliorating the hyperglycemia and attendant biochemical disruptions should provide clinical benefits acne 3 step system dapsone 100 mg visa. Note that insulin was introduced earlier than is usual in clinical practice acne 7 days after ovulation 100 mg dapsone overnight delivery, and insulin was also used as necessary when oral agents were deemed inadequate. Although glycemic control (illustrated by the HbA1c level) deteriorated 453 Part 6 Treatment of Diabetes Table 29. An epidemiologic analysis showed that benefits of intensive therapy continued to accrue until glucose levels were returned to the normal range [13]. Moreover, the benefits of earlier "intensive" control were continued during an unrandomized post-trial follow-up (median 8. This illustrates the glycemic "legacy" effect in which early intensive glycemic control confers an extended reduction in complications, even when control deteriorates at later stages in the disease process. This may be ascribed to unique features of the trial design outside of normal practice in an aging population at high cardiovascular risk with a long previous duration of inadequately controlled diabetes given extensive medications and experiencing high rates of hypoglycemia. Indeed, an acceptable HbA1c value does not preclude excessive daily fluctuations in glycemia with hyperglycemic excursions and hypoglycemic troughs, the latter often unrecognized nocturnally (see Chapter 33). Survival of a myocardial event appears to be reduced by hypoglycemia as well as hyperglycemia [18]. Guidelines and algorithms Factors to consider when selecting a glycemic target for a particular patient are deliberated in detail in Chapter 20, but it is pertinent to reiterate here that the general principle is to safely return glycemia as close to normal as practicable, avoiding hypoglycemia, minimizing potential drug interactions, and observing other necessary cautions and contraindications. Thus, a younger, newly diagnosed individual without co-morbidity who is responsive to therapy might be expected to meet a more rigorous target, while an elderly infirm individual with co-morbidity and a long history of problems with diabetes control may require more flexiblity. Management of hyperglycemia should always be part of a comprehensive management program to address coexistent disease and modifiable cardiovascuar risk factors. It is emphasized that diet, exercise and other lifestyle measures should be introduced at diagnosis and reinforced at every appropriate opportunity thereafter. These measures can provide valuable blood glucose lowering efficacy and may initially enable the desired glycemic target to be achieved (see Chapters 22 and 23); however, even when lifestyle advice is successfully implemented, the progressive natural history of the disease dictates that the majority of patients will later require pharmacologic therapy, and this should be introduced promply if the glycemic target is not met or not maintained. The main tissues through which they exert their glucose-lowering effects are illustrated in Figure 29. Although there are several different classes from which to choose, many dilemmas continue to impinge on both strategy and individualization of treatment. It is also pertinent to note the link between postprandial hyperglycemic excursions and cardiovascular risk, which mandates the need to also address this component of the hyperglycemic day profile [27]. Additionally, consideration should be given to the improvements in glycemic control that can be achieved through the treatment of obesity (see Chapter 14) [28]. By the time of diagnosis, insulin resistance is usually well established and does not usually progress with extended duration of the disease [8]. Nevertheless, the association between insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk warrants the amelioration of insulin resistance as a valued therapeutic strategy. The ongoing deterioration in glycemic control after diagnosis is largely attributed to a further progressive decline in -cell function [8]. Thus, preserving -cell function and mass are important considerations in maintaining long-term glycemic control. If -cell function deteriorates beyond the capacity of oral agents to provide adequate glycemic control, then the introduction of insulin should not be delayed. Incorporating some or all of the above into the treatment process is inevitably a challenge, and the need to Table 29. Treatment with these agents at the time of conception and during the first trimester has not been shown to have any adverse effects on mother or fetus, and judicious use of metformin has been shown to reduce miscarriage and gestational diabetes. Insulin remains the preferred antidiabetic medication in pregnancy, however, having a substantial evidence base for safety and flexibility. A paucity of evidence contraindicates thiazolidinediones and gliptins during pregnancy and lactation. Elderly patients are more vulnerable to most of the cautions and contraindications to glucose-lowering drugs, and deteriorations in their pathophysiologic status can occur rapidly, necessitating more frequent monitoring (see Chapter 54). The most frequent interactions with glucose-lowering drugs are summarized in Table 29. Terminology within the field of antidiabetic agents may simplify the usage of the different agents. Hypoglycemic agents have the capacity to lower blood glucose below normal to the extent of frank hypoglycemia. Antihyperglycemic agents can reduce hyperglycemia, but when acting alone they do not have the capability to lower blood glucose below normoglycemia to the extent of frank hypoglycema. Biguanides Metformin (dimethylbiguanide) is the only biguanide currently used in most countries (Figure 29. Guanidine has a glucose-lowering effect, and several guanidine derivatives were adopted for the treatment of 456 Oral Antidiabetic Agents Chapter 29 Table 29. Antidiabetic agent Any Increase glucose lowering Combination with other antidiabetic drugs Minor insulin releasers. Phenformin and buformin were withdrawn in many countries in the late 1970s because of a high incidence of lactic acidosis. For example, metformin can improve insulin sensitivity via effects on insulin receptor signaling and post-receptor signaling pathways of insulin action. Independently of insulin, metformin can suppress the oxidation of fatty acids and may reduce triglyceride levels in patients with hypertriglyceridemia. Pharmacokinetics level, metformin exerts insulin-dependent and independent effects on glucose metabolism (Figure 29. The glucose-lowering efficacy of metformin requires a presence of at least some insulin because metformin does not mimic or activate the genomic effects of insulin. Also, metformin does not stimulate insulin release; its main glucose-lowering effect appears to be a reduction of hepatic glucose production, but not sufficiently to cause frank hypoglycemia when used as monotherapy. Metformin reduces gluconeogenesis by increasing hepatic insulin sensitivity and by decreasing hepatic extraction of some gluconeogenic substrates such as lactate (Figure 29. Metformin is widely distributed at concentrations similar to plasma (about 10-5 mol/L), but much higher concentrations are retained in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The plasma half-life (t1/2) is about 6 hours with elimination of unchanged drug in the urine, mostly within 12 hours [36]. Although renal clearance is achieved more by tubular secretion than glomerular filtration, metformin is contraindicated for patients with significant impairment of glomerular filtration. Cimetidine is the only drug known to compete for clearance sufficiently to cause a clinically significant increase plasma metformin concentrations. To preclude drug accumulation, patient suitability 458 Oral Antidiabetic Agents Chapter 29 should be considered very carefully if there is any evidence of impaired renal function. Further contraindications include significant cardiac or respiratory insufficiency, or any other condition predisposing to hypoxia or reduced tissue perfusion. Because the potential for acute deterioration in renal, cardiopulmonary and hepatic function should be taken into account, it is not practicable to identify precise cutoffs for starting or stopping metformin therapy.
Blurred vision
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Growths (tumors)
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Drinking lots of water (drink small amounts often throughout the day).
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Discuss all treatment options with patients, even if some are not covered by their insurance companies. Do not necessarily pressure patient to leave his or her partner, or disclose the incident to the authorities (unless required by state law). Find out why and allow patient to do so as long as there are no contraindications, medication interactions, or adverse effects to the new treatment. Gently explain to family that there is no chance of recovery, and that brain death is equivalent to death. Bring case to appropriate ethics board regarding futility of care and withdrawal of life support. Generally, decline gifts and sponsorships to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest. Work with the patient by either explaining the treatment or pursuing alternative treatments. A pharmaceutical company offers you a sponsorship in exchange for advertising its new drug. Emergent care can be refused by the are unresponsive following a car healthcare proxy for an adult, particularly when patient preferences are known or accident and are bleeding internally. Children not meeting milestones may need assessment for potential developmental delay. Language-1000 words by age 3 (3 zeros), uses complete sentences and prepositions (by 4 yr) Legends-can tell detailed stories (by 4 yr) Car seats for children Children should ride in rear-facing car seats until they are 2 years old and in car seats with a harness until they are 4 years. Older children should use a booster seat until they are 8 years old or until the seat belt fits properly. Payment is denied for any service that does not meet established, evidence-based guidelines. Patients are allowed to see providers outside of the network, but have higher out-of-pocket costs, including higher copays and deductibles, for out-of-network services. Patients are limited (except in emergencies) to a network of doctors, specialists, and hospitals. Patient pays for all expenses associated with a single incident of care with a single payment. Most commonly used during elective surgeries, as it covers the cost of surgery as well as the necessary pre- and postoperative visits. Medicare and Medicaid Medicare and Medicaid-federal social healthcare programs that originated from amendments to the Social Security Act. Medicare is available to patients 65 years old, < 65 with certain disabilities, and those with end-stage renal disease. Medicaid is joint federal and state health assistance for people with limited income and/ or resources. Available to patients on Medicare or Medicaid and in most private insurance plans whose life expectancy is < 6 months. Facilitating comfort is prioritized over potential side effects (eg, respiratory depression). This prioritization of positive effects over negative effects is known as the principle of double effect. Event reporting systems collect data on errors for internal and external monitoring. Standardization improves process reliability (eg, clinical pathways, guidelines, checklists). Impact on patients: Plan-define problem and solution Do-test new process Study-measure and analyze data Act-integrate new process into regular workflow Act Plan Study Do Quality measurements Plotted on run and control charts. The risk of a threat becoming a reality is mitigated by differing layers and types of defenses. Patient harm can occur despite multiple safeguards when "the holes in the cheese line up. Medical error analysis Root cause analysis Uses records and participant interviews to identify all the underlying problems that led to an error. Categories of causes include process, people (providers or patients), environment, equipment, materials, management. Uses inductive reasoning to identify all the ways a process might fail and prioritize these by their probability of occurrence and impact on patients. Forward-looking approach applied before process implementation to prevent failure occurrence. Within each Organ System are several subsections, including Embryology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology. As you progress through each Organ System, refer back to information in the previous subsections to organize these basic science subsections into a "vertically integrated" framework for learning. Embryology tends to correspond well with the relevant anatomy, especially with regard to congenital malformations. Anatomy Several topics fall under this heading, including gross anatomy, histology, and neuroanatomy. The first step is to identify a structure on anatomic cross section, electron micrograph, or photomicrograph. The second step may require an understanding of the clinical significance of the structure. For example, be familiar with gross anatomy and radiologic anatomy related to specific diseases (eg, Pancoast tumor, Horner syndrome), traumatic injuries (eg, fractures, sensory and motor nerve deficits), procedures (eg, lumbar puncture), and common surgeries (eg, cholecystectomy). Many students suggest browsing through a general radiology atlas, pathology atlas, and histology atlas. Basic neuroanatomy (especially pathways, blood supply, and functional anatomy), associated neuropathology, and neurophysiology have good yield. Please note that many of the photographic images in this book are for illustrative purposes and are not necessarily reflective of Step 1 emphasis. Physiology the portion of the examination dealing with physiology is broad and concept oriented and thus does not lend itself as well to fact-based review. Diagrams are often the best study aids, especially given the increasing number of questions requiring the interpretation of diagrams. Learn to apply basic physiologic relationships in a variety of ways (eg, the Fick equation, clearance equations). Hormones are the focus of many questions, so learn their sites of production and action as well as their regulatory mechanisms. Pathology Questions dealing with this discipline are difficult to prepare for because of the sheer volume of material involved. Delve into the signs, symptoms, and pathophysiology of major diseases that have a high prevalence in the United States (eg, alcoholism, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, infectious disease). Be prepared to think one step beyond the simple diagnosis to treatment or complications.
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Sachsenmaier C, Radler-Pohl A, Zinck R, et al. Involvement of growth factor receptors in the mammalian UVC response. Cell 1994;78(6):963-972.
Roger VL, Go AS, Lloyd-Jones DM, et al. Executive summary: heart disease and stroke statistics-2011 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011;123(4):459-463.
Kirkland GS, Savige J, Wilson D, et al. Classical polyarteritis nodosa and microscopic polyarteritis with medium vessel involvementna comparison of the clinical and laboratory features. Clin Nephrol. 1997;47:176-180.
Herrero HE. Pigmentation genes link Parkinson's disease to melanoma, opening a window on both etiologies. Med Hypotheses. 2009;72(3):280-284.
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Zyczynski HM, Albo ME, Goldman HB, et al: Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network. Change in overactive bladder symptoms after surgery for stress urinary incontinence in women, Obstet Gynecol 126:423n430, 2015.
Lenard HG, Schauab J, Keutel J, Osang M. Electromyography in type II glycogenosis. Neuropaediatrie 1974;5:410.
Sauer CM. Recurrent embolic stroke and cocaine-related cardiomyopathy. Stroke 1991;22:1203.