
Peter J. Barnes

  • Professor of Respiratory Medicine
  • Airway Disease Section
  • National Heart and Lung Institute
  • Imperial College London
  • London, UK

Patients should be counseled on setting reasonable expectations based on these factors zyrtec causes erectile dysfunction purchase viagra sublingual 100mg online, and avoid making comparisons to the experiences of others erectile dysfunction by race cheap viagra sublingual 100 mg mastercard. Post-gonadectomy: Since testosterone dosing should be based on physiologic male replacement levels erectile dysfunction best medication cheap viagra sublingual 100mg fast delivery, no reduction in testosterone dosing is required after gonadectomy erectile dysfunction after prostatectomy discount viagra sublingual 100 mg without a prescription. Some patients may choose to use a lower dose, which is appropriate as long as dosing is adequate to maintain bone density, however they should be informed of possible reduced muscle mass, energy and libido. Transgender men with physiologic male testosterone levels and who are amenorrheic would be expected to have H&H values in the male normal range. Note this may differ from the normal female range listed on the lab report if the patient is registered in the lab system as a female. Similarly in this same patient, an H&H below the male lower limit but above the female lower limit may not be flagged as abnormal, but in reality may represent a true anemia. Patients with persistent menses or on lower doses of testosterone should have their H&H interpreted accordingly. Transgender men with true polycythemia should first have their testosterone levels checked, including a peak level, and have dose adjusted accordingly. Changing to a more frequent injection schedule (maintaining the same total amount of testosterone over time) or transdermal preparations may limit the risk of polycythemia. In addition to neoplasms and cardiopulmonary disease, specific conditions of concern in transgender men include obesity-related obstructive sleep apnea, and tobacco use. Older transgender men: No upper age limit exists for testosterone replacement in nontransgender men. It is reasonable to consider discontinuing hormome therapy at or around age 50, the age at which non-transgender women undergo menopause. Regardless of the presence of gonads at this age, withdrawl of testosterone will result in reduced muscle mass, body hair and libido. Autoimmunity: There is a certain but incompletely defined linkage between sex hormones and autoimmune conditions. Hormone dosing should begin low and advance slowly, monitoring for worsening symptoms, and in collaboration with any specialists who may be managing the autoimmune condition. June 17, 2016 55 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Migraine: Migraines have a clear hormonal component and relationship to estrogen. Given the persistence and possible fluctuation of estrogen levels in many transgender men taking testosterone, migraines may be precipitated or exacerbated in the context of testosterone therapy. Patients with a history of migraines should consider starting with a low dose and titrating upward as tolerated. Transdermal testosterone may be preferred to avoid any potential cyclic effect associated with injected testosterone. In fact it has been found that transgender men experience improvements in social functioning and reduced anxiety and depression once testosterone therapy is begun. Consider using a non-injected medication form to avoid the potentially cyclic levels, which could bring about or worsen existing mood symptoms. Testosterone therapy in patients with a prior history of cancer: An active sex hormonesensitive cancer is an absolute contraindication to testosterone therapy. Hair loss: Hair loss may begin soon after beginning hormone therapy, and is dependent on genetic factors. There are two patterns of hair loss seen in transgender men; Frontal and temporal recession, and male-pattern baldness (receding at the forehead and thinning at the crown). Both forms may cause alarm for patients, and in some cases result in a desire to discontinue therapy. Patients should be counseled prior to initiation of therapy on the risk, unpredictable nature, extent and time course of this condition. Over the counter minoxidil, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, and surgical approaches may be used. The 5-alpha reductase inhibitor finasteride blocks conversion of testosterone to the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone. The negative impact on results of 5-alpha reductase inhibition on transgender men early in their course of testosterone therapy is unknown. As with non-transgender men, use of the 5mg daily dose of finasteride, or use of the more potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor dutasteride, may result in excessive testosterone blockade, and resultant sexual side effects and regression of some virilization. Polycystic ovarian syndrome can manifest with any combination of impaired fasting glucose, dyslipidemias, hirsutism, obesity, and oligo- or amenorrhea with anovulation. Some of these features (hirsutism, oligo- or amenorrhea) may be welcomed by transgender men and present prior to testosterone administration. Transgender men with amenorrhea in the presence of testosterone are not believed to be at elevated risk of endometrial hyperplasia, due to the atrophic effects of testosterone on the endometrium (Grading T O M). However, the behavioral health improvements seen with testosterone therapy may result in positive lifestyle changes that reduce obesity, disorders of glucose metabolism, or hyperlipidemia. In all but the most severe cases (diabetes out of control, active unstable coronary artery disease), transgender men should be informed of risks, and if testosterone therapy continues to be desired, it should be continued with concurrent conventional management of metabolic disorders and their sequelae (Grading: X C S). Acne: Acne of the face and body are common side effects of virilizing hormone therapy. Approach to symptom management is consistent with established practices in non-transgender people. Patients can be reassured that acne tends to peak in the first year of testosterone therapy, and then declines. Safety aspects of 36 months of administration of longacting intramuscular testosterone undecanoate for treatment of female-to-male transgender individuals. Subcutaneous testosterone: an effective delivery mechanism for masculinizing young transgender men. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline. June 17, 2016 57 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 7. Empirical estimation of free testosterone from testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin immunoassays. Position statement: Utility, limitations, and pitfalls in measuring testosterone: an Endocrine Society position statement. Long-term effects of continuous oral and transdermal estrogen replacement therapy on sex hormone binding globulin and free testosterone levels. Endocrine treatment of transsexual persons: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. Testosterone replacement in older hypogonadal men: a 12-month randomized controlled trial. Salivary testosterone in female-to-male transgender adolescents during treatment with intramuscular injectable testosterone esters. June 17, 2016 58 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 20. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. G󭥺-Gil E, Zubiaurre-Elorza L, Esteva I, Guillamon A, GodⳠT, Cruz Almaraz M, et al. The effects of hormonal gender affirmation treatment on mental health in female-to-male transsexuals. Histology of genital tract and breast tissue after long-term testosterone administration in a female-to-male transsexual population. June 17, 2016 59 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 9. Chronic pelvic pain, which is continuous or episodic pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis lasting more than 6 months, has a large differential. Key to the history is a detailed description of pain including onset, precipitating and palliating features, quality, radiation, severity and timing. A pain diary can be helpful to elucidate pain pattern and features and there are many available online (See The general approach to the workup of pelvic pain in transgender men is similar to that for nontransgender women. An anatomic approach to history gathering that considers urological, gynecologic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and psychological components is critical. Specific etiologies may be multifactorial, such as post-surgical adhesions with or without gastrointestinal symptoms, or endometriosis and/or pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.


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Acitretin for severe lichen sclerosus of male genitalia: A randomized, placebo controlled study. Effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of lichen sclerosus: Cell changes in immunohistochemistry. Fossa navicularis reconstruction: Impact of stricture length on outcomes and assessment of extended meatotomy (first stage Johanson) maneuver. Long-term follow-up for reconstruction of strictures of the fossa navicularis with a single technique. Buccal mucosal urethroplasty for balanitis xerotica obliterans related urethral strictures: the outcome of 1 and 2-stage techniques. Lichen sclerosus of the male genitalia and urethra: Surgical options and results in a multicenter international experience with 215 patients. The evidence was categorized by stricture site, surgical technique, and transferred tissue used. The committee assessed the evidence for the various techniques for substitution urethral reconstruction and recommends that there is no evidence of superiority of one technique over another for the bulbar urethra, whereas in the penile urethra a two-stage technique has higher reported success rates than a one-stage technique. In addition, recommendations are proposed for the best methods of follow-up of patients after substitution urethral reconstruction. Each patient must be treated based upon their individual circumstances and with due regard for consent. Search terms included: substitution urethral reconstruction, augmentation urethral reconstruction, dorsal onlay, ventral onlay, lateral onlay, bulbar urethral reconstruction, penile urethral reconstruction, Asopa, Palminteri, and panurethral urethral reconstruction. Non-English articles and articles dealing with solely pediatric cases were excluded. From these, 11 were further excluded because the outcomes could not be categorized for the mixed populations described, and three review articles were excluded because the data were not original. The remaining 66 articles were categorized by technique according to the site of surgery and the graft used. It is well recognized that the majority of men presenting with normal bladder function will usually have a tight stricture at the time of first presentation. Indeed, it was first described in 1968 by Smith (1) that the effective diameter of the unobstructed male urethra was in the order of 11 French gauge, and until the stricture narrowed beyond this point, there would be no significant interference with flow and hence, patients would not necessarily be aware that there was a significant problem. The current standard of care is to use a combined ascending and descending urethrogram to image the urethra, supplemented where necessary by urethroscopy. An ischemic urethra looks white or grey, and healthy wellζascularized tissue appears pink. The length of urethral narrowing may not correspond directly to the length of ischemic spongiofibrosis and thus to the length of graft required (Figure 1). It has been suggested that intracorporal injection of contrast (2,3) or ultrasonography (4,5) may be useful. Figure 1 Diagrammatic representation of the length of narrowing caused by the stricture, ischemic spongiofibrosis, and the length of substitution graft required. Much has been publicized about the risk of erectile dysfunction and three papers have appeared in the literature over the last decade relating to this. Alterations in the penile appearance and sexual performance may occur after anterior urethral reconstruction, but these are usually transient and more likely when the stricture is long than with a short stricture requiring an anastomotic procedure. Anger and colleagues supported this view, suggesting that surgery had an insignificant long-term effect on erectile dysfunction and that surgical complexity made no difference to the incidence of erectile dysfunction (7). Both papers, however, suggested that there was an increasing risk of erectile dysfunction with increasing age and with a preceding history of erectile problems (8). A prospective study has recently been reported suggesting that there is a risk of erectile dysfunction within the first few months following surgery (9), but that with time this improves, and that most men who develop erectile dysfunction of any sort will have full recovery by 7 months. The authors did note that persistence of erectile dysfunction was seen in some men, but that long-term follow-up would be necessary before they could categorically provide advice based on this information. In determining the type of urethral reconstruction that is appropriate, one must consider the length of the stricture, its likely cause (in particular if lichen sclerosus is present), and what previous surgery has been carried out. The etiology of a stricture has an influence on any decision, since inflammatory strictures and those associated with lichen sclerosus have a tendency to be longer; the latter also have a tendency to recur because of recrudescence of the underlying disease process. The bulbar urethra is surrounded by the thickest portion of the corpus spongiosum and is eccentrically placed toward the dorsum. Thus, the Management of Anterior Urethral Stricture Disease Using Substitution Urethroplasty 113 the dorsal aspect of the surrounding tissues of the corpus spongiosum are thin, while ventrally they are thick. As the urethra extends distally, it becomes more centrally placed in relation to the corpus spongiosum, and through the glans it is relatively ventrally placed (Figure 2). Figure 2 Diagrammatic representation of corporal thickness in the bulbar and penile urethra Anastomotic urethral reconstruction involves excision of the stricture and primary anastomosis of the urethral ends. Surgeons cannot simply excise a stricture and restore continuity as when operating on bowel, because of the potential for causing chordee. It is a useful rule that the bulbar urethra should not be mobilized distal to the penoscrotal junction, and therefore if the stricture is long it may be necessary to carry out a substitution procedure. Similarly, it is very uncommon to be able to perform an anastomotic urethral reconstruction in the penile urethra, except in the context of a very limited traumatic injury of the penile urethra such as seen with penile fracture injuries. Traditionally, only strictures less than 3 cm were considered suitable for an anastomotic procedure. However, by freeing up the urethra and separating the corpora, another few centimetres may be gained in length. However, the series had only 11 patients in each group and the mean follow-up period was 22 months (10). Three large series looking at the success rates of anastomotic urethral reconstruction have recently been reported, with Santucci et al. It is often possible to carry out an anastomotic urethral reconstruction for strictures longer than 2ͳ cm using techniques (covered elsewhere) to straighten the natural curve of the bulbar urethra, thus shortening its course (Figure 3). It is now clearly established that anastomotic urethral reconstruction in the bulbar urethra, when performed by an experienced surgeon, is associated with a success rate of up to 95% (11ͱ3). The length of a urethral stricture dictates the complexity of the necessary surgery; longer lesions present more of a surgical challenge. The remainder of this analysis gives an overview of the various techniques for augmentation urethral reconstruction and reviews the evidence relating to their use. To excise the stricture and put in a circumor floor strip of native urethra augmented ferential patchΡ tube augmentation. This option is associated with a failure rate as high by a patchΡn augmented anastomotic procedure; as 30% (14,15). To incise the stricture and carry out a patch augmentationΡn onlay augmentation procedure A two-stage procedure involves excision of the stricture and the abnormal urethra and reconstruction of a roof strip, which is allowed to heal prior to second-stage tubularization. The Management of Anterior Urethral Stricture Disease Using Substitution Urethroplasty 115 6. It can therefore be concluded that in most instances, there is no advantage of a flap over a graft in terms of stricture recurrence rate. In carrying out an augmentation procedure, one must also consider whether full-thickness tissue or partial-thickness tissue should be used; partial-thickness tissue has a greater propensity to contract than does full-thickness tissue. Alternative therapeutic options that have been suggested in the past include scrotal skin (18), extragenital skin (19), bladder epithelium (20), and colonic mucosa (21). In contemporary practice, genital skin and oral mucosa are most commonly used, although there is interest in the potential for tissue engineering in the future (22).

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Paan/khilli paan is very commonly offered to guests at social occasions such as weddings erectile dysfunction emedicine discount viagra sublingual 100mg otc. It remained the best-selling tobacco product in Sweden for the next 100 years impotence help generic 100 mg viagra sublingual visa, until the early 1940s impotence tcm viagra sublingual 100 mg with amex, when cigarettes became the preferred way to consume tobacco erectile dysfunction medication does not work order viagra sublingual 100mg amex. Snus use and tobacco chewing were strictly male behaviors, and spittoons were found in banks, on railway trains, and in hotels. However, with the rapid increase in smoking, snus use came to be seen as a behavior of rural and older men. In Sweden, snus consumers are now mainly under the age of 50, which reflects heavy marketing efforts by the commercial industry since the 1970s, when snus use was becoming unfashionable. The proportion of snus users is greater in the northern parts of Sweden, particularly among women. Cultural barriers against snus use by women have been lowered, but the percentage of women who are daily users is still low-less than 5%. Loose snus is a moist powder which can be formed into a cylindrical or spherical shape with the fingertips. Longtime users may simply pinch the tobacco in place under the upper lip where it is kept in the recess between gingiva and lip. Prepacked portion snus, the better selling variety, usually contains smaller doses that can be used more discreetly. Swedish snus, in both loose and sachet forms, is placed under the upper lip for a period of 30 minutes to a couple of hours. The nicotine in snus is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, as are other substances. The original portion, introduced in 1977, is packed in a moisturized brown material when manufactured; the white portion is packed in white sachet material and not moisturized. Prepacked portion snus is available in three different sizes: mini, normal/large, and maxi. Swedish snus is sold in general stores, convenience stores, gas stations, tobacco shops, and from vending machines in shops and restaurants. It is often stored in refrigerators to minimize fermentation and bacterial growth. The largest manufacturer, Swedish Match, lists over 240 ingredients that are used as flavors in snus, including herbal extracts. Snus manufactured in Sweden is sold in Nordic countries as well as in other countries around the world. There are about a dozen manufacturers of snus, and Swedish Match is the dominant producer, with about 85% of the market in Sweden and 70% of the market in Norway. In European Region countries other than the Nordic countries, international tobacco companies such as British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris, and Imperial Tobacco market snus products that are not considered Swedish snus and do not meet the manufacturing standards set for Swedish snus. In Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, nasway is mostly produced as a custom-made or cottage industry product. The core ingredients are locally grown, sun-dried tobacco and an alkalinity modifier such as ash or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide). Water is added during mixing of the ingredients, and the mixture is then rolled into balls. Free nicotine was also high in several of the gutka products as well as in tooth-cleaning powder and Swedish snus (between 3 mg/g and 63. Gutka and tooth-cleaning powder also had the highest pH levels of the products tested. The directory focuses primarily on the tobacco content of a product; it does not report additional toxicity information. An assay of the contents of paan/khilli paan sold in London found that the mean tobacco weight was 0. All manufacturers of Swedish snus pasteurize their products, and most adhere to the GothiaTek standard (Table 10-5). Raw materials Selected leaf tobacco is used; additives should comply with requirements specified in the Swedish Food Act. Process Snus pasteurization involves heat treating to kill the natural microbial flora. The manufacturing process must be performed in a closed system, and the tobacco must be comminuted. Directly after packaging, the finished product is placed into cold storage with a maximum temperature of 8ۃ. Smokeless Tobacco Use in the European Region Manufacturing hygiene All product exposure must satisfy the hygiene requirements of food manufacturing. The processing equipment is cleaned and disinfected at least once in every production cycle, and packaging machinery is cleaned and disinfected at least once every 24 hours. Water activity, bacterial content, and shelf-life stability are tested on finished products. The results of all controls must meet the tolerance limits specified for Swedish snus by GothiaTek. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan the predominant product in these countries, nasway, is made from N. Nasway samples have high pH levels and contain more than 70% free nicotine, indicating their high potential for causing dependency. United Kingdom Data on cancer incidence rates suggest that cancer of the oral cavity (excluding the inner part of the lip and the hard palate) is one of the most common subtypes of head and neck cancer. London, which has many South Asian communities, has the highest incidence rate for oral cancer, with a higher incidence of oral and pharyngeal cancer among women of South Asian origin. Other data indicate that women of South Asian origin were more than three times more likely to have oral cancer than nonΓouth Asian women (incident rate ratio = 3. Studies validating self-report measures of dependency with salivary cotinine scores found associations with a high daily consumption frequency, having the first paan within 1 hour of waking, and feelings of craving. Nordic Countries Because the GothiaTek standard of snus manufacturing and storage was adopted in the late 1990s, the health effects of long-term exposure to modern Swedish snus manufactured under this standard are largely unknown as of this writing (2014). Habitually placing snus in the same place in the mouth often leads to irritation of the gum ("the snus lesion"). In Northern European studies, the relative risk of snus use for esophageal cancer was found to be 1. A meta-analysis funded by the European Smokeless Tobacco Council found that when adjusting for smoking, smokeless tobacco products in general had a significant association of 1. Epidemiologic studies and experimental animal studies show that snus affects the cardiovascular system-for example, blood pressure and pulse rate. The evidence regarding an association between long-term use of snus and hypertension is not consistent. Snus use does not appear to increase the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack),41,42 but it is associated with an increased risk of mortality from heart disease, including myocardial infarction. Smokeless Tobacco Use in the European Region the available evidence is too limited to allow firm conclusions about snus use in relation to diabetes. Results of one Swedish study showed an increased risk of pre-term delivery and pre-eclampsia for mothers who used snus during pregnancy. Product brands and their associated packaging and displays follow recognizable themes: Respect. Basil is widely known across South Asia as a medicinal plant and is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a range of conditions, including bronchitis, asthma, malaria, and arthritis. Nordic Countries As previously mentioned, all manufacturers of Swedish snus must adhere to the GothiaTek quality standard that was voluntarily adopted by the industry in the late 1990s. In 1971, snus came under jurisdiction of the Swedish Food Act, requiring manufacturers to implement new quality control measures, which continued to be developed over several decades. Swedish Match dominates 318 Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health: A Global Perspective the production in this region, and its market has not changed much in the last decade. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Nasway is produced by cottage industries, or in some cases, is custom-made. Nasway originating from Pakistan is available for wholesale purchase on the Internet. Sources: For information on the 2001 Directive: the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union 2001 (3). Participants with low education levels or who chewed paan with tobacco were more likely to be referred for further investigation. Four in 10 tobacco users attending one phase of the screening were recruited into a flexible community outreach service offering cessation support. Smokeless Tobacco Use in the European Region significant, cessation with respect to cotinine-validated abstinence at 4 weeks.

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  • Akiba T, Neirotti R, Becker AE: Is there an anatomic basis for subvalvular right ventricular outflow tract obstruction after an arterial switch repair for complete transposition? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1993; 105:142-146.
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