
Melissa Anne Daubert, MD

  • Associate Professor of Medicine
  • Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute


Determining whether the use of the multigenetic assay would direct the management of patients and improve outcomes (clinical utility) erectile dysfunction nerve order kamagra 50mg with visa. The most reliable method for validation is to derive a prognostic/predictive gene set from a training set and then apply it to a completely independent set erectile dysfunction and heart disease generic kamagra 100mg on-line, the test set female erectile dysfunction drugs kamagra 100mg on line, (Simon 2003 erectile dysfunction treatment in bangkok discount 100mg kamagra overnight delivery, Ionnidis 2006, and Hu 2006). Following several techniques 5000 genes were selected from the microarray, and then optimized to 70 genes with which a prognosis profile was established. The authors conducted a cross validation and concluded that a classification system based on these 70 genes outperformed all clinical variables in predicting the likelihood of distant metastases within five years. They noted however, that a selection of the patients based on the outcome (distant metastases or disease free in 5 years) was a limitation to the study. The same research team followed the initial study with a validation study (Van De Vijver, 2002) that included 295 women with either lymph node negative or lymph node positive breast cancer. Adjuvant hormone therapy or chemotherapy or both were given to most of the patients with lymph node positive disease. Its overall results showed that the 70-gene signature provided prognostic information on time to distant metastases and overall survival independent of the other clinical predictors. In conclusion, the selection of the 70- predictor genes was based on analyses of tumors from patients Date Sent: February 28, 2017 these criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. The test proved to perform well as an independent prediction tool among the selected women studied. The trial will directly compare the use of prognostic information provided by the standard clinicopathological criteria vs. Validation and clinical utility of a 70-gene prognostic signature for women with node negative breast cancer. The use of the MammaPrint test in the treatment of recurring cancer does not meet the Group Health Medical Technology Assessment Criteria. The incidence of ovarian cancer increases with age with approximately two thirds of cases being diagnosed in women over the age of 55. The results of the test are then interpreted using a proprietary algorithm to yield a single score ranging from 0 to 10 to indicate the likelihood that the adnexal mass is benign or malignant. Studies suggest that women who receive their initial surgical care from an experienced gynecologic oncologist have improved outcomes and greater overall survival. It is important to emphasize that this test is not approved for ovarian cancer screening and is not intended for use as a stand alone test. Effectiveness of a multivariate index assay in the preoperative assessment of ovarian tumors. Background Robotic assisted surgery involves use of a computerized system operated by a surgeon at a computer console connected with robotic arms. Robotic assisted surgery may allow for finer more precise control of the instruments by the surgeon, though surgery may take longer. Laparoscopic surgery is associated with improved postsurgical pain and recovery and with lower risk of infection and blood loss for some procedures compared with open surgery. Robotic assisted surgery has been used in the following procedures: Prostatectomy; Hysterectomy; Nephrectomy; Cardiac Surgery; Adjustable Gastric Band; Adnexectomy; Adrenalectomy; Cholecystectomy; Colorectal Surgery (Colorectal Resection, Colectomy, Mesorectal Excision); Cystectomy; Esophagectomy; Fallopian Tube Reanastomosis; Fundoplication; Gastrectomy; Heller Myotomy; Ileovesicostomy; Liver Resection; Lung Surgery; Myomectomy; Oropharyngeal Surgery; Pancreatectomy; Pyeloplasty; Rectopexy; Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass; Sacrocolpopexy; Splenectomy; Thymectomy; Thyroidectomy; Trachelectomy; and Vesico-vaginal Fistula. In March 2013, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a statement that said in part, "There is no good data proving that robotic hysterectomy is even as good as-let alone better-than existing, and far less costly, minimally invasive alternatives. The Health Care Authority in Washington State conducted an evidence review for each procedure listed above and found the evidence to be minimal in most cases. The outcome of their review was to not pay additionally for the use of the robotic device use. Clinical Review Criteria Seat Lift Chair (Mechanism Only) Group Health Clinical Review Criteria are developed to assist in administering plan benefits. The patient must have severe arthritis of the hip or knee or have a severe neuromuscular disease. The patient must be completely incapable of standing up from a regular armchair or any chair in their home. Almost all patients who are capable of ambulating can get out of an ordinary chair if the seat height is appropriate and the chair has arms. Coverage of seat lift mechanisms is limited to those types which operate smoothly, can be controlled by the patient, and effectively assist a patient in standing up and sitting down without other assistance. Excluded from coverage is the type of lift which operates by a spring release mechanism with a sudden, catapult-like motion and jolts the patient from a seated to a standing position. Coverage is limited to the seat lift mechanism, even if it is incorporated into a chair (E0627). Payment for a seat lift mechanism incorporated into a chair (E0627) is based on the allowance for the least costly alternative (E0628, E0629). The physician ordering the seat lift mechanism must be the treating physician or a consulting physician for the disease or condition resulting in the need for a seat lift. The seat-lift mechanism is a device that is installed in a chair to help the patient to stand when they are unable to do so from a low chair that has arm rests to support the patient to a standing position. It should be one of those devices that operates smoothly, can be controlled by the patient, and effectively assists a patient standing up and sitting down without assistance. Background Date Sent: February 28, 2017 these criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. This was based on a theory that the sensory system develops over time just like other higher order learning skills (such as cognition, language, and academic performance) and that deficits can occur in the process of developing a well-organized sensory system. A well-organized sensory system can integrate input from multiple sources primarily the three basic senses: vestibular, proprioceptive, and tactile. The vestibular system responds to gravity and movement, and the proprioceptive system receives inputs from joints and muscles. When these systems interact with the tactile sensation, sensory integration takes place. Normally, effective sensory integration occurs automatically, unconsciously, and without effort, but for some children it does not develop as efficiently as it should. The therapy involves activities that are believed to organize the sensory system by providing vestibular, proprioceptive, and tactile sensory input. Since that sensory integration dysfunction was described, sensory-based therapies have been increasingly used by occupational therapists and other health professionals to treat children with a range of symptoms and disabilities including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fragile-x syndrome, brain injuries and others (Zimmer 2014). It is delivered in one-on-one sessions Date Sent: February 28, 2017 these criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. Background individualized to the child, one to three times a week, for several months or years. In these therapy sessions, the therapists combine primitive forms of sensation with motor activities according to a manualized protocol (Schaaf 2014). A definition of sensory processing disorder has been proposed, but is not universally accepted. However, the possible diagnosis of a sensory processing disorder remains a challenging clinical issue, and it is unclear whether children who present with findings described as sensory processing difficulties have an actual disorder of the sensory pathway of the brain or that the deficits observed are associated with other developmental and behavioral disorders. The symptoms described in children with sensory processing disorders, overlap the behavioral differences seen in children with autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and developmental coordination disorders. Evaluating the effectiveness of sensory integration therapy presents another challenge due to the wide spectrum of symptom severity and presentation of the disorder, variations in response due to several factors, and lack of consistent outcome measures (Zimmer 2012). The studies included in the meta-analysis did not provide sufficient data on the ages of participants, the types of disabilities, or details on therapies provided. There were also variations and differences in the characteristics of the participants, intervention methods, hours of therapy received, ratio of therapists to children, evaluation of the therapy, duration between therapy and re-testing, and outcomes measured. The authors of the meta-analysis were thus unable to determine the effect of sensory integration therapy among different ages or among individuals with different types of disabilities. Humphries and colleagues (1992) compared sensory integrative therapy among children with learning disabilities and sensory integration dysfunction to another active treatment (perceptual-motor training), and to no treatment. There were some significant baseline differences between the study groups, and both the sensory integrative therapy and the perceptual-motor therapy were performed by the same occupational therapists, which may be a potential source of bias. Their results show significant pretest-posttest differences between the three groups in the motor functions but not in the psychoeducational variables. The difference in the motor performance between the two active therapies was statistically insignificant.

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Cancers typically start with tumor formation, due to about a dozen causative factors. These factors cause numerous mutations which are the focus of many current microbiological studies. The tumors turn malignant with the invasion by Fasciolopsis and isopropyl alcohol. It is natural to be skeptical that you can accumulate isopropyl alcohol from your shampoo, or that there is anything toxic in soft drinks, or you should change your house plumbing, or you should remove your gold crowns. But you can look for toxins in all these items for yourself, and you may luckily find that you do not have them! It is only from years of experience testing every product clients brought in, or that I sampled from the grocery and drug store, that I make generalizations like "all cold cereals have toxic solvents," or "all meat has parasites. And except for very high amounts, it is hard to say how much of a bad effect the toxin is having. This, you may feel, is an acTesting in the white blood cells is the best way I have found to both diagnose and predict illness. That would be a strong indication that you are accumulating at least some of the toxins from your hair spray in your body, and not only must you not use it, you must find a way to reduce your levels! Again, your own tests will be better than my general advice; but without them, you must follow my advice to get well. All of the results obtained in this book can be duplicated by a person with skills at the high school level. An alligator clip test lead uses a small metal clothespin for connecting, while a mini-hook clip lead is like a small, spring-loaded crochet hook. The mini-hook is best for attaching to a wire, the alligator clip is best for larger connections like to the test surfaces. The plates that hold the samples are intentionally separated from the main circuit because, unless you add shielding, the frequencies on the test plates may interfere with the circuit. Materials needed: shoe box aluminum foil stiff paper 2 bolts and nuts nail 4 alligator clip test leads (3 very short, 1 about 24 inches) 2 ordinary light switches. Make a hole through each with a small nail, and enlarge with a pencil point until you can fit a small bolt through. The bolt should be at least one inch long, to make it easy to clip leads to inside the box. Mount two ordinary light switches on the front side of the shoe box, one in front of each plate. Push a pin from the inside through the screw holes, enlarge them, and replace the screws from the outside. Using a short alligator clip test lead, attach the tissue plate bolt to the tissue switch at one screw terminal. If there are three screw terminals, one will be green for ground-do not use it, use the other two. Finally attach a long alligator clip test lead to the other substance switch screw terminal. If you can not find all plastic boxes, remove the metal top and mount the test plates to the bottom. The places to attach the probe and handhold are described with the circuit instructions. Acceptable For the probe use an empty ball point pen (no ink) with a metal collar by the point. Best the Archer Precision Mini-Hook Test Lead Set has a banana plug for the probe on one end and a mini-hook on the other end for easy attachment to the circuit. The best handhold is simply a 4 inch piece of ѕ inch copper pipe (which a hardware store could just saw off for you) connected to the circuit with a three foot alligator clip test lead. Precision Mini-Hook Test Lead Set (contains two, you only need one) 2781160A Speaker Hearing is believing. The leads (wires) you need to do this depend on the terminals your stereo has, but the end of the lead to the circuit should have either alligator clips or mini-hooks for easy attachment. Best the Archer Mini Amplifier Speaker is inexpensive and small (about the size of a transistor radio), making it easy to take with you. Remove the screw at the center back of the speaker using a Phillips screw driver to gain access to the battery compartment. If there are no holes use alligator clip leads, but slip a piece of plastic tape between the posts to make sure the alligator clips do not touch each other. Archer Mini Amplifier Speaker 2771008C Two-conductor Phone Plugs 274-286A (package of 2, you only need 1) 273-1455C You are now ready to build the main circuit. The Easy Way Circuit Build the Electrosonic Human (in the 200 in One Electronic Project Lab by Science Fair, Cat. If your kit has a different catalog number you may have different connection numbers. Instead of connecting the probe to terminal T2, just clip it directly to terminal 137, and remove the 137-T2 wire. Later, when you use the probe to press against your knuckle you may find it painful. Positive (the short post, if using the 1/8 inch phono jack) goes to 53, and negative (long post) goes to 54. If it does not, check that your alligator clips are not bending the spring terminals so much that other wires attached there are loose. Get a shoe box, save the lid, photocopy the picture in this book and tape it to the bottom (inside) of the box. Mount the light switch (a) just like you did for the test plates on the front of the shoe box. Pierce a hole with a large nail or pencil for the shaft of the potentiometer (b), and a smaller hole for the tab on the side of the potentiometer (the tab keeps the potentiometer from rotating when you turn the switch). Remove the nut and washer from the base of the potentiometer shaft, insert the shaft into the hole from the inside of the shoe box. When the ceramic part is almost touching the box, bend the wires inside to keep it in place. The capacitors look very much alike, so be careful not to switch them (open one capacitor package at a time and put the part directly in place, double checking the diagram). Hold it in your left hand with the flat side on the left and wires pointing up at you. Bend the base wire away to the left slightly so you will be able to insert the transistor into the triangle of holes. A diagram on the transistor package tells you that the top wire is the "collector" and the bottom wire is the "emitter". Insert the transistor from the outside of the box so each wire goes where it is supposed to , and bend the wires sideways to secure. If they are not, strip away ј inch of insulation and twist the strands together on each wire to keep them neat (practice using the wire stripper, first, on a different piece of wire). Push them through the box and bend them down with a knife or screwdriver on the inside to keep the transformer firmly in place or tape the transformer to the outside of the box. You will only use three batteries, so in one of the battery slots, fill the space with a paper clip. Hook the other end to the spring, and thread the straight part through the hole on the other side. In the picture there are both minihook and alligator clips depicted, but it is not important which kind you use, only that you make secure connections.

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Medical therapy for idiopathic cases can include: antibiotics experimental erectile dysfunction drugs effective kamagra 50 mg, corticosteroids erectile dysfunction treatment with homeopathy purchase kamagra 100mg on line, and cyclosporine erectile dysfunction when pills don't work generic kamagra 100mg without prescription. These lesions are often incidental findings during routine oral examinations erectile dysfunction treatment chinese medicine buy discount kamagra 100mg on line, and are usually advanced at the time of diagnosis. Presentation is characterised by pigmented or unpigmented lesions that are initially smooth but later ulcerate. Special histochemical stains are often required to make a positive diagnosis for both forms of this tumour. Therefore, the prognosis is guarded to poor, unless diagnosed and excised prior to metastasis. Additional therapeutic options are radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and a melanoma vaccine. These lesions tend to be ulcero-proliferative and can destroy extensive areas of the jaws, disrupting teeth and occasionally result in mandibular fracture. Animals suffering from acanthomatous ameloblastoma who undergo irradiation therapy are at risk of these lesions converting to squamous cell carcinomas. These lesions usually present as sessile lesions on the palate; smooth and slightly paler than surrounding tissue. Large breed dogs appear to be over represented (especially Golden Retrievers) and they are typically younger (4-5 years) when first diagnosed. Although surgical excision of these tumours is the preferred treatment, regrowth is very common, even when the surgical margins were reported to be "tumour free". Fibrosarcomas may present as histologically low grade but clinically high grade, where the oral lesion is rapidly enlarging but it appears more benign microscopically. Different treatment modalities, including surgical excision with or without radiation therapy, radiation therapy alone, and radiation with or without localized hyperthermia, prolonged the survival times in some dogs. The lesions can extend to the muco-cutaneal junction and in some cases the lesions have a blueish tinge due to extravascular pooling of blood. Lesions may cause bony destruction or bone proliferation, while some may appear to be cyst-like radiogaphically. Like axial osteosarcomas, these tend to metastasis late during disease and therefore may have a better prognosis for cure. Excision with 3 cm margins is recommended and therefore any reconstruction must be well planned prior to the surgery. Mast cell tumour can also be found on the tongue of cats and in some cases the margin of the tongue may be affected, resembling plaque-responsive marginal glossitis. Benign and malignant conditions can appear very similar clinically, therefore histopathology is mandatory. Prompt and aggressive therapy offers the best chance for cure and therefore regular oral exams are necessary. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for most oral tumours with the margins based on the type of growth and tissue planes. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be used as palliative or adjunct means if available. Genital and extragenital canine transmissible venereal tumour in dogs in Grenada, West Indies Open J Vet Med, 3, pp. Seguin (2012) Surgical treatment of Tongue Lip and Cheek Tumors In: Oral and maxillofacial surgery in dogs and cats. Retrospective study of 338 canine oral melanomas with clinical, histologic, and immunohistochemical review of 129 cases. Histologically low-grade, yet biologically high-grade fibrosarcomas of the mandible and maxilla in dogs: 25 cases (1982­1991). Malocclusions A malocclusion is any occlusion which is not standard for the breed. In cases of occlusal trauma there is significant pain and discomfort for the patient and if left untreated can result in significant complications such as oronasal fistulation, tooth wear and subsequent fracture and/or tooth death. Conversely, tooth (non-skeletal) discrepancies (class I) are considered nongenetic, with the notable exception of mesiocclusion of the maxillary canines (lance effect) seen in Shetland sheepdogs and Persian cats, which is considered genetic. These conditions are generally considered nongenetic, however, there is a high prevalence of some syndromes in certain breeds (see above) which indicates a genetic predisposition in some cases. Class I malocclusions can result from lip/cheek/tongue pressure (or lack thereof), significant systemic or endocrine issues, and less commonly neoplastic or cystic formation may also result in tooth deviation. Displacement in some situations was previously believed to result from persistence of the deciduous teeth. However, research shows that deciduous tooth persistence is caused by improper eruption of the permanent teeth. The major issue is that the mandibular canines typically cause significant occlusal trauma to the palate, gingiva, and/or maxillary canine teeth. This condition is often caused by line breeding for a specific size and shape of the head. Further evaluation of these findings supports the theory that malocclusions likely occur secondary to the degree to which achondroplasia is expressed within the patient. This condition, while common and "normal" in certain breeds often creates painful gingival and tooth trauma. However, as in all malocclusions, it is rare to have the patient show clinical signs. Nevertheless, therapy of the traumatic malocclusion is recommended (Yelland R 2013). An asymmetry can occur in one of three directions: rostrocaudal, dorsoventral or side to side. In general, this malocclusion causes palatine or gingival (+/- tooth) trauma and if this is occurring, therapy is recommended. Surgical - which generally consists of extraction of teeth causing occlusal trauma. This should be the treatment of choice for traumatic malocclusions in tier 1 & 2 countries. Orthodontic: this is where the maloccluded teeth are moved into the correct or a nontraumatic position via the use of various appliances. Coronal amputation and endodontic/restorative - where the offending teeth are shortened and undergo endodontic therapy (vital pulp therapy or root canal treatment) or their shape is changed by odontoplasty and a restoration/sealant placed. The latter two are challenging techniques and should only be attempted by dental specialists (and potentially veterinarians with advanced training). Key Points: Malocclusions in veterinary patients often cause trauma which can result in significant morbidity and therefore require treatment, regardless of lack of clinical signs. The majority of malocclusions have a genetic component, often secondary to line breeding for specific traits. Unless a malocclusion can be unequivocally shown to be of traumatic origin it should not be corrected by orthodontics for ethical reasons. There are several treatment options for traumatic malocclusions, however in most areas of the world, extraction is the most expedient. In: the American Anatomical Memoirs, number 19, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia. Quality and regular dental care is necessary to provide optimum health and quality of life in veterinary patients. Un- and undertreated dental disease has a serious impact on the welfare of the patient, and as such is an unacceptable condition for any veterinarian to leave purposefully unadressed. Dental disease is common Historically, it was a commonly held belief that companion animals required little if any dental care; however, we now know that dental disease is the most common medical condition in companion animals. Over 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have evidence of periodontitis by the age of 3 (Kortegaard et al, 2008). Further, 10% of dogs have a fractured tooth with painful direct pulp exposure (termed complicated crown fractures) (Golden 1982, Chidiac 2002) and Bellows (2009) found 20-75% of mature cats are clinically affected with oral resorptive lesions, depending on the population examined. It is estimated that 50% of large breed dogs have small fractures (termed uncomplicated crown fractures) with painful dentin exposure (Hirvonen et al. Therefore, the clear majority of veterinary patients are dealing with significant pain, infection, or both daily. Dental disease causes pain and suffering It is well documented in humans that dental pain can be extreme (Bender 2000; Hargreaves et al.

As we mature erectile dysfunction free samples purchase 50 mg kamagra overnight delivery, we either make our inherent weaknesses weaker or stronger depending upon our lifestyles impotence natural treatment cheap kamagra 50 mg mastercard. This is extremely important to understand because currently each generation is becoming weaker instead of stronger trazodone causes erectile dysfunction purchase 50mg kamagra otc. Today erectile dysfunction in diabetes mellitus ppt purchase kamagra 50 mg without a prescription, more than ever, people are consuming and injecting huge amounts of toxins into their bodies. We are now seeing cancer (a form of degeneration and chronic toxicity) in the early teens; chronic and degenerative issues in infants; and birth deformities as never before. When organs and glands are underactive from genetics, inflammation or toxicity, a host of imbalances and disease conditions can result. Our physical bodies came from Mom and Dad, which means we will have many of their characteristics, physically, mentally and emotionally. There is also a little of grandmother and grandfather in us too, as their characteristics, encoded in their genes, have been passed down through our parents. Geneticists say that we carry in our bodies and psyches the legacy of four previous generations. However, in my practice I have seen genetic patterns that have clearly been passed along for many more than four generations. The impact of all this together determines the strength or weakness of cells, organs and glands, and whether or not they will provide the necessary functions they were originally designed to perform. If you inherited a weakened thyroid, weak adrenal glands or liver, for example, the duties of these tissues will be compromised and their ability to produce hormones, digestive enzymes, steroids, or whatever, can be greatly diminished. For another look at this issue see "About Consciousness and Disease" later in this section. As a society we must begin to repair our weaknesses and rebuild our cells so that future generations can live. The weak are always consumed-this keeps nature healthy for all species and the same can be said of each cell in your body. This toxicity (which is mostly acidic, and accumulates in the body) comes from foods, air, bodyhygiene products, household products, building materials. Today, most of the foods people eat and the liquids they drink are acidic, mucus-forming, energy-robbing and protein-toxic. The refined starches we eat act like glue in the tissues of our body, causing plaque to build up, as we discussed earlier. This toxicity, being acidic, can inflame and congest tissue to the point of causing tissue death. This toxicity and mucus is stored in all tissues, but noticed more in your sinuses, throat, thyroid, lungs, muscles, liver, kidneys and skin. This is why all these areas are affected when you have cold and flu-like symptoms. The body tries to "purge" itself of these toxins, or as many of them as it can, through natural processes called "disease. As previously stated, toxicity builds up intra-cellularly and interstitially (around cells) in the vascular system, in the organs and glands, in the bowels, and in the cavities of our body. Combine this toxicity with an over-acid diet and you get inflammation, ulceration, tumors and eventually cellular death (degeneration). These toxins and mucus create obstruction, blocking blood and lymph flow to and from cells. Colds, flu, lymphatic conditions, lung conditions, gastrointestinal problems, infections, to name a few of many conditions, are all symptoms of this accumulation of toxicity in the body. Yet this natural response by your immune system to this toxicity and, of course, to the parasites who feed upon this toxicity, is oftentimes mistakenly called an autoimmune disorder. Parasites and immune responses are always secondary to the cause; they are side effects of the symptom. These fluids include digestive juices, blood, extra- and intra-cellular fluids, lymphatic fluids and urine. To fully understand the effects that food and toxins have within your body, however, you first have to understand opposites. Creation exists because of the dynamic interplay of opposites, without which everything would be the same. As complicated as chemistry is, it rests upon two pillars or opposites: hot and cold, or yin and yang, the names for the two opposing dynamics within Chinese philosophy and medicine. Many of the alkaline elements are known as electrolytes because of their ability to carry and deliver electrical charges. Alkaline elements have oxygen and carbon dominating the hydrogen, whereas acids have nitrogen and hydrogen dominating. The acid or alkaline measurement in your body is classified in what is called pH factors. Since each number on the scale represents a logarithm, there is a 10-fold difference between each number. This can be very significant when you understand that the pH of the blood should be 7. Coma and death can take place when the hydrogen atoms in the blood lower (by adding hydrogen atoms) the pH to 6. Convulsions and spasms can occur when the pH becomes too alkaline (less hydrogen atoms), which is rare. It is important to note that most convulsions and spasms are caused by mineral utilization problems. All the food that humans eat can be divided into the above two categories: they are either acid-forming or alkaline-forming. Acid foods leave more phosphorus, iron and sulfur compounds, which push out alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These crystals are deposited throughout the body causing inflammation, irritation and stimulation or agitation. Uric acid, for example, is a by-product of meat metabolism and/or fungal growth in the body. Uric acid buildup causes gout and other inflammatory conditions throughout the body. These include sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, butyric acid, lactic acid, acetic acid and pyroracemic acid, to name a few. These acids, if not converted to salts by electrolytes, will cause damage to tissue. Inflammation causes cellular weakness and an inability of the cell to transport nutrients across its membrane wall via cellular respiration, eventually leading to cellular death. As previously stated, the only acid chamber in homo sapiens is the stomach, where protein digestion begins. Note: Immediately after the stomach contents move into the small intestines, bile and sodium bicarbonate are secreted to alkalize this mixture now called chyme. The accumulation of acids and toxic foreign proteins in tissues causes an immune response called inflammation. This is why the treatment of these conditions with more acid-forming drugs or steroids is ludicrous and will eventually lead to further degeneration of your tissues. It makes much better sense to alkalize and detoxify, that is, remove the acids and foreign proteins that are causing the problem in the first place. In other words, if someone walks up to you angry, you can get angry; if you hang around sick people, you can get sick. From a spiritual perspective, anger is a lower level of energy whereas love is a high level of energy. As I understand it, all life forms are merely pieces of this mirror expressing themselves in various individual states of consciousness or awareness. With birth into creation, we start out basically unconscious or unaware, and become gradually more conscious in response to life around us. As a computer that is being set up with more software, or programmed with more data, is therefore able to perform more functions, so each individual piece of the "mirror of creation" will expand its ability to express itself the more it awakens to its true nature. Since we humans are pieces of this mirror, we act in the same way-that is, the more we experience, the more we awaken or grow in consciousness. They also include the traces of the day-to-day "experiences" that the cell goes through, much as your memory records your daily experience. The problem for the cells is that the typical fuels and building materials- the foods that most people are consuming-can no longer support a refined level of consciousness or awareness. This low-energy lifestyle also lowers human awareness in general, which is why we have so much hate, gossip and deceit instead of love. Human stupidity in introducing live or even dead pathogens (parasites) into toxic bodies via the "vaccination" has led to a landslide of genetically weakened and mutated cells.

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