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Senna also contains naphthalene glycosides in the leaves and pods women's health clinic red deer generic femara 2.5 mg visa, mucilage (arabinose pregnancy journey discount femara 2.5mg line, galactose menstrual girls photos femara 2.5mg without prescription, galacturonic acid) and various other constituents such as flavonoids menstrual relief caplets discount femara 2.5 mg fast delivery, volatile oil and resins. Pharmacokinetics For information on the pharmacokinetics of an anthraquinone glycoside present in senna, see under aloes, page 27. Interactions overview Although senna has been predicted to interact with a number of drugs that lower potassium (such as the corticosteroids and potassium-depleting diuretics), or drugs where the effects become potentially harmful when potassium is lowered (such as digoxin), there appears to be little or no direct evidence that this occurs in practice. In the leaf the anthraquinones include sennosides A, B, C and D, and palmidin A, rhein anthrone and aloe-emodin glycosides. The fruit contains sennosides A and B and a 349 350 Senna Mechanism Little understood. Digoxin is a substrate of P-glycoprotein, a drug transporter protein, and it is thought that the relatively small molecular size of rhein and danthron alters the fluidity of the apical membrane and interferes with the action of P-glycoprotein. The authors suggest that an effect of anthraquinone-containing laxatives on the absorption of poorly permeable drugs such as digoxin cannot be excluded. Anthranoid laxatives influence the absorption of poorly permeable drugs in human intestinal cell culture model (Caco-2). Senna + Corticosteroids Theoretically, the risk of hypokalaemia might be increased in patients taking corticosteroids, who also regularly use, or abuse, anthraquinone-containing substances such as senna. Clinical evidence Chronic diarrhoea as a result of long-term use, or abuse, of stimulant laxatives such as senna can cause excessive water and potassium loss; one paper (cited as an example) describes a number of cases of this. The effect of senna over-use combined with systemic corticosteroids is not known, but, theoretically at least, the risk of hypokalaemia might be increased. Although this is mentioned in some reviews on herbal interactions2 there do not appear to be any case reports of such an interaction. It has also been suggested that senna, by increasing gastrointestinal transit times, might theoretically reduce the absorption of oral corticosteroids. Mechanism In theory the additive loss of potassium caused by anthraquinonecontaining substances and systemic corticosteroids may result in hypokalaemia. Importance and management the interaction between senna and corticosteroids is theoretical, but be aware of the potential in patients who regularly use, or abuse, anthraquinone-containing substances such as senna. An overview of herbal supplement utilization with particular emphasis on possible interactions with dental drugs and oral manifestations. Senna + Diuretics; Potassium-depleting Theoretically, patients taking potassium-depleting diuretics could experience excessive potassium loss if they also regularly use, or abuse, anthraquinone-containing substances such as senna. Clinical evidence For information on the additive risk of hypokalaemia with the use of potassium-depleting diuretics and abuse of anthraquinone-containing laxatives. Experimental evidence the effects of the anthraquinones found in senna (rhein, danthron, sennidins A and B, sennosides A and B), and senna leaf infusion (senna tea), on the absorption of furosemide 100 micromoles, a poorly permeable drug, was examined in human cell lines. Furosemide permeability was reduced by more than a third by the sennidins and sennosides, but senna leaf infusion had little effect. The changes in furosemide absorptive permeability may be caused by interference with P-glycoprotein or other transporter proteins. The authors suggest that an effect of anthraquinonecontaining laxatives on the absorption of poorly permeable drugs such as furosemide cannot be excluded. S Senna + Digitalis glycosides Theoretically, digitalis toxicity could develop if patients regularly use, or abuse, anthraquinone-containing substances such as senna. Clinical evidence For the risk of digitalis toxicity including cardiac arrhythmias because of hypokalaemia induced by abuse of anthraquinone laxatives, see Aloes + Digitalis glycosides, page 28. For mention of a case of digoxin toxicity and mild hypokalaemia in a patient taking digoxin and furosemide, who started to take a laxative containing rhubarb and liquorice, see Liquorice + Digitalis glyosides, page 274. Experimental evidence the effects of anthraquinones found in senna (rhein 100 micromoles, danthron 100 micromoles, sennidins A and B, sennosides A and B), and senna leaf infusion (senna tea) 10 mg/mL, on the absorption of digoxin was examined in human cell lines. Senna + Estradiol Senna does not appear to affect the pharmacokinetics of estradiol. Clinical evidence In a clinical study in 19 women, the maximum daily tolerated dose of senna tablets (Senokot) was taken for 10 to 12 days with a single 1. Mechanism It was thought that reducing intestinal transit time with senna might lead to reduced blood levels of estradiol. Importance and management Limited evidence suggests that there is unlikely to be a clinically relevant pharmacokinetic interaction between anthraquinone-containing laxatives and estradiol. Experimental evidence the effects of the anthraquinones found in senna (rhein, danthron, sennidins A and B, sennosides A and B), and senna leaf infusion (senna tea), on the absorption of paracetamol 100 micromoles was examined in human cell lines.

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