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I. Asam, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Professor, Donald and Barbara School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Sesamoid (sehs-ah-moyd) bones are small nodular bones embedded in a tendon or joint capsule erectile dysfunction effects 160mg super avana sale. The navicular bone of horses is the common name for the sesamoid bone located inside the hoof on the palmar or plantar surface of P3 erectile dysfunction medication for high blood pressure buy super avana 160mg cheap. Metacarpal bones To the Back the bones of the rear limb include the pelvis disease that causes erectile dysfunction purchase 160mg super avana mastercard, femur erectile dysfunction washington dc buy discount super avana 160 mg online, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges. The pelvis (pehl-vihs), or hip, consists of three pairs of bones: ilium, ischium, and pubis. The ilium articulates with the sacrum to form the sacroiliac (s-kr-ihl-ahck) joint. The pubis (pehw-bihs) is the ventral pair of bones that are fused on midline by a cartilaginous joint called the pubic symphysis (pehw-bihck sihm-fih-sihs). The acetabulum (ahs-eh-tahbyoo-luhm) is the large socket of the pelvic bone that forms where the three bones meet. The femoral (fehm-ohrahl) head, or head of the femur, is connected to a narrow area, which is called the femoral neck. Meat and Bones 53 S Sound Alikes Ilium Pubis Ileum and ilium are pronounced the same, yet they have different meanings. Ileum is the distal or aboral (the end opposite the mouth) part of the small intestine, and ilium is part of the pelvic bone. One way to keep these spellings straight is Pelvic symphysis Acetabulum to remember that ileum has an e in it, as in eating and enter/o, which involve the digestive tract. K Knee Deep in Trouble One way to remember the order of the ilium and ischium is that they follow alphabetical order from cranial to caudal. In cattle, the points of the ilium and ischium are called hooks and pins, respectively. Laypeople may use the term knee to refer to the stifle joint of dogs and cats; however, in large animals, knee is used to describe the carpal joint. Most people in veterinary medicine use the term stifle for the joint located in the rear leg between the femur and the femur are the trochanters (tr-kahn-tehrs), which means large, flat, broad projections on a bone, and condyles (kohndlz), which means rounded projection (Figure 3­17). Knee is not a good term to use to describe the joint between the femur and tibia in animals because in large animals, knee is commonly used to describe the carpus. In animals, the joint that houses the patella is called the stifle (stfuhl) joint. Another sesamoid bone in the rear limb of some animals is the popliteal (pohp-liht-ahl). Some animals do not have a fibula that extends to the distal end, whereas other animals have the tibia and fibula fused. The tarsal bones are irregularly shaped bones found in the area known as the ankle in people. In small animals, this joint is called the tarsus (tahr-suhs), and in large animals, it is called the hock (hohck). The talus is the shorter, medial tarsal bone located in the proximal row of tarsal bones. Talus and tarsus both begin with t and sound similar, which makes associating them together easy. The long, lateral tarsal bone located in the proximal row of tarsal bones is the calcaneus (kahl-k-n-uhs). Calcaneus and carpus both begin with c and sound similar, but they are not located in the same area. Calcaneus was named because it reminded someone of a piece of chalk, which consists mainly Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning, Inc. The terminology used for the phalanges in the front limb is also used for the rear limb. Structural Support Bones are not structurally smooth and often have bumps or grooves or ridges (Figures 3­18a, b, and c). Meat and Bones Humerus ­ Cranial View Humerus ­ Caudal View 55 Lesser tubercle Greater tubercle Teres minor tuberosity Crest of the greater tubercle Tricipital line Deltoid tuberosity Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Head Brachial groove Shaft Supracondyloid foramen Coronoid fossa Medial epicondyle Trochlea (a) Radius Ulna Radial fossa Lateral epicondyle Lateral epicondylar crest Lateral epicondyle Trochlea Supracondyloid foramen Olecranon fossa Medial epicondyle Olecranon process Head Neck Radial tuberosity Medial coronoid process Lateral coronoid process Radial notch Anconeal process Body or shaft Shaft Medial styloid process Lateral styloid process (b) Articular circumterence Figure 3­18 (a) Cranial and caudal view of the humerus of the cat; (b) radius and ulna of the cat; and (c) ventral view of the tibia and fibula of the cat. Pathology: Skeletal System Pathologic conditions of the skeletal system include the following: ankylosis (ahng-kih-l-sihs) = loss of joint mobility caused by disease, injury, or surgery.

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Concurrent administration with cimetidine new erectile dysfunction drugs 2011 safe 160mg super avana, hydralazine erectile dysfunction 20 years old super avana 160 mg with visa, flecainide erectile dysfunction causes alcohol super avana 160mg discount, quinidine erectile dysfunction diabetes buy cheap super avana 160 mg line, chlorpromazine, or verapamil may lead to increased activity of propranolol. To reduce risk of hypoglycemia, administer doses during or right after a feeding; hold doses if child is not eating or is vomiting. May be the antithyroid treatment of choice during or just prior to the first trimester of pregnancy because of risk for fetal abnormalities associated with methimazole. Glomerulonephritis, severe liver injury/failure, agranulocytosis, interstitial pneumonitis, exfoliative dermatitis, and erythema nodosum have also been reported. A dose reduction of -blocker may be necessary when the hyperthyroid patient becomes euthyroid. For neonates, crush tablets, weigh appropriate dose, and mix in formula/breast milk. Consider time since last enoxaparin dose: If <8 hr: give 100% of aforementioned dose. If >12 hr: Protamine not required but if serious bleeding is present, give 50% of aforementioned dose. Risk factors for protamine hypersensitivity include known hypersensitivity to fish and exposure to protamine-containing insulin or prior protamine therapy. Use in enoxaparin overdose may not be complete despite using multiple doses of protamine. Because drug and active metabolite are primarily excreted renally, doses should be adjusted in renal impairment. Use with caution in patients with renal failure (dosage reduction has been recommended), gout or diabetes mellitus. Hepatotoxicity is most common dose-related side effect; doses 30 mg/kg/24 hr minimize effect. Hyperuricemia, maculopapular rash, arthralgia, fever, acne, porphyria, dysuria, and photosensitivity may occur. Contraindicated in ragweed hypersensitivity; drug is derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Local irritation including erythema, pruritis, urticaria, edema, and eczema may occur. Use with caution in patients with epilepsy, asthma, bradycardia, hyperthyroidism, arrhythmias, or peptic ulcer. Pyrimethamine can cause glossitis, bone marrow suppression, seizures, rash, and photosensitivity. Aurothioglucose, trimethoprim, and sulfamethoxazole may increase risk for blood dyscrasias. Most cases of acquired toxoplasmosis do not require specific antimicrobial therapy. Dose Titration Day 1: 50 mg once daily Day 2: 100 mg once daily Day 3­5: increase by 100 mg/24 hr increments each day until 400 mg once daily is achieved on day 5. Day 1: 300 mg once daily Day 2: 600 mg once daily Day 3: Adjust dose to 400­800 mg once daily based on efficacy and tolerance Recommended Dose 400­600 mg/24 hr 1041 Q Maximum Dose 600 mg/24 hr Adult 400­800 mg/24 hr 800 mg/24 hr Age Child 10 yr and adolescent Recommended Dose 400­600 mg once daily Maximum Dose 600 mg/24 hr Adult 400­800 mg once daily 800 mg/24 hr Continued For explanation of icons, see p. Dose Titration Day 1: 50 mg once daily Day 2: 100 mg once daily Day 3: 200 mg once daily Day 4: 300 mg once daily Day 5: 400 mg once daily Day 1: 300 mg once daily If needed, increase dose in increments of up to 300 mg/24 hr. Suicidal ideation/behavior or worsening depression may occur especially in children and young adults during the first few months of therapy or during dosage changes. Common side effects in children include hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperprolactenemia, and significant weight gain. Dosage adjustment in hepatic impairment may be necessary as it is primarily heptically metabolized. Extended-release tabs must be swallowed whole and administered preferably in the evening without food (a light meal of 300 calories is allowed). May convert patients from immediate-release to extended-release tabs at the equivalent total daily dose and administer once daily; individual dosage adjustments may be necessary. Patients may get idiosyncratic ventricular tachycardia with low levels, especially when initiating therapy. Quinidine potentiates the effect of neuromuscular blocking agents, -blockers, anticholinergics, and warfarin.

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Signs of hyperthyroidism include increased metabolic rate impotence organic cheap 160mg super avana with visa, weight loss erectile dysfunction prescription medications generic 160 mg super avana fast delivery, polyuria erectile dysfunction garlic cheap super avana 160 mg on line, and polydipsia (Figure 11­7) erectile dysfunction treatment in lahore trusted 160mg super avana. Increased metabolic rate, weight loss, polyuria, and polydipsia may indicate hyperthyroidism or diabetes mellitus in cats. Hypo- is the prefix for deficient, calc/i is the combining form for calcium, and -emia is the suffix for blood condition. Hypercalcemia is abnormally high blood calcium levels because hyper- is the prefix meaning excessive. Signs of hypothyroidism include decreased metabolic rate, poor hair coat, lethargy, and increased sensitivity to cold. Phe/o is the combining form for dusky; chrom/o is the combining form for color; cyt/o is the combining form for cell; -oma is the suffix meaning tumor. A pheochromocytoma is a tumor that takes on a dark (dusky) color because it is composed of chromaffin (or colored) cells. Procedures: Endocrine System Procedures performed on the endocrine system include the following: adrenalectomy (ahd-r-nahl-ehck-t-m) = surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands. The Great Communicator 233 Review Exercises Multiple Choice Choose the correct answer. The gland known as the master gland that helps maintain the appropriate levels of hormone in the body is the a. The chemical substance secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that stimulates uterine contractions during parturition is a. An aggregation of cells specialized to secrete or excrete materials not related to their function is a a. Hypoadrenocorticism, a disorder caused by deficient adrenal cortex production of glucocorticoid, also is known as a. Which hormone maintains water balance in the body by increasing water reabsorption in the kidney? What is the name of a laboratory technique used to determine the amount of a particular substance in a sample? The Great Communicator 237 Crossword Puzzle Endocrine Terms Puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 12 13 11 6 8 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Across 1 2 7 9 10 11 14 17 19 21 22 23 24 condition of normal thyroid function pertaining to artificial production surgical incision into the pancreas prefix meaning excessive, above normal, or elevated combining form for gland sex cell abnormally low blood calcium levels chemical substance produced by an organ which is transported by the bloodstream to regulate another organ hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex used to suppress immunity suffix meaning deficient, less than normal, or decreases agent, act, or influence that produces a reaction abnormal condition of low pH substance that stimulates blood vessel contraction and increases blood pressure Down 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 13 15 18 20 disease of hormone-producing system funnel-shaped passage or opening condition of building up drowsiness or indifference condition of excessive gland secretion tumor of the adrenal medulla surgical removal of the pituitary gland suffix meaning affinity for another term for hyperadrenocorticism condition of breaking down suffix meaning to secrete or separate combining form for body Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning, Inc. The Great Communicator 239 Case Studies Define the underlined terms in each case study. A 7-yr-old M/N golden retriever, Goldie, was presented to the clinic for bite wounds from another dog in the household. Upon examination, it was noted that the dog weighed 85#, the haircoat had areas of alopecia, and the dog was lethargic. The wounds from the dog fight consisted of 2 lacerations; 1 laceration was 4 cm long located on the lateral side of the L forelimb proximal to the elbow, and the other laceration was 2 cm long located on the medial surface of the L hock. The owner thought that Goldie did not want to go out on walks because of the change of seasons and the cold, damp weather. Goldie was admitted to the clinic and anesthetized, and the lacerations were cleaned and sutured. The lacerations had healed; but hair had not begun to regrow in the areas of the lacerations, and more areas of alopecia were noted. The thyroid panel revealed that Goldie was hypothyroid, and thyroid supplementation was begun. Abdominal palpation revealed a moderately full urinary bladder, slightly small kidneys, and gas-filled loops of bowel. It was recommended that the cat receive radioactive iodine treatments; however, the options of thyroidectomy and pharmaceutical management also were discussed. The reproductive system needs both male- and female-specific s organs to complete offspring production. The term theriogenology org (thr-jehn-ohl-j) is used to describe animal reproduction or the study (th of producing beasts. Theri/o is the combining form for beast, gen/o is the p combining form for producing, and -logy is the suffix meaning to study. Structures of the Male Reproductive System the structures of the male reproductive system produce sperm, transport sperm out of the body, and produce hormones. The area between the scrotum and the anus in males is the perineum (pehr-ih-n-uhm). Perine/o is the combining form for the area between the scrotum (or vulva in females) and anus.

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